Piano Theatre

Awards And Festivals

  • National Theatre Award and Festival «Golden Mask»
  • 10th Russian festival of theatric art for children «Arlekin»



«The Piano Theatre is a unique and wonderful theatre from Nizhny Novgorod. I remember everything as if it happened only yesterday, it made such an impression on me. I have seen a lot of different groups, and still it is always wonderfu, touching, and you are always moved by performances of such bright children. But I have never been so delighted (and not only me, but everybody at that evening) with the performance of the Piano Theatre, under the direction of Vladimir Chikishev and Marina Chikisheva.»

Galina Volchek
People's Artist of the USSR,
USSR State Prize Laureate,
Presidental Prize Laureate,
creative director of the Sovremennik Theatre (Moscow)